Security Council High-Level Briefing on Ukraine: Resolution 2774 Adopted

Security Council High-Level Briefing on Ukraine: Resolution 2774 Adopted

The Security Council convened for a high-level briefing on Ukraine, marking the three-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The meeting was requested by Ukraine and supported by several countries, including the US and the UK. Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo provided a briefing on the devastating effects of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, including civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure.

Ahead of the briefing, the Council voted on a draft resolution authored by the US, urging a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine. This resolution, marked as resolution 2774, was adopted with ten votes in favor and five abstentions. The resolution underscores the importance of international peace and security and calls for a swift end to the conflict between the two countries.

The adoption of resolution 2774 marks a significant development in the Security Council’s efforts to address the conflict in Ukraine. The resolution reflects the Council’s commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region and calls for a comprehensive resolution to the conflict that upholds Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Stay updated for more information on the Security Council’s actions regarding the situation in Ukraine.


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