Enable JavaScript to Access X.com: Supported Browsers and Help Resources

Enable JavaScript to Access X.com: Supported Browsers and Help Resources

If you’re seeing a message that JavaScript is disabled on your browser while trying to access X.com, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In order to continue using our website, you’ll need to enable JavaScript or use a supported browser. Check out our Help Center for a list of supported browsers and detailed instructions on how to enable JavaScript for a seamless browsing experience.

At X.com, we value the privacy and security of our users, which is why we encourage the use of JavaScript to enhance your browsing experience. Our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Imprint ensure that your data is protected and used responsibly while you’re on our site.

For any questions or concerns, our Support team is here to assist you. Simply reach out to us through our Help Center for assistance with browser compatibility, JavaScript enablement, or any other inquiries you may have.

We look forward to providing you with a smooth and safe browsing experience on X.com. Thank you for choosing us as your online destination.


This article was summarized and republished from the original source.
Please check the original article here: https://x.com/joshgiddey?lang=en.

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